Removing Alcohol Makes You Braver And More Confident

I agonized for a long time about how to start being more open about my struggle with alcohol during the pandemic. For months, I read, watched and listened as others shared their stories about removing alcohol from their lives on podcasts, social media and in videos and books. Courageous and resilient people willing to talk… Continue reading Removing Alcohol Makes You Braver And More Confident

How Can You Go To Italy And Not Drink Wine? Alcohol Free Living

My First “Not Drinking” Trip to Italy I woke up just before my alarm was set to go off at 3:45am. Ugh. Airport pickup in 45 minutes. Andiamo!  Our group tour to Italy has been planned, booked and paid for since 2019 but for pandemic reasons has been delayed to June of 2022. I can’t… Continue reading How Can You Go To Italy And Not Drink Wine? Alcohol Free Living

No More Hangovers! Living Life in Full Color

One of my first really bad hangovers was in high school. I must have been 17. I don’t even remember what I did the night before. Weekend partying in high school usually involved siphoning off someone’s parents alcohol. We would then dump it into our Jack in the Box cups filled with Tab or Coke.… Continue reading No More Hangovers! Living Life in Full Color

Sober Hair Is Actually A Thing! (And 24 Other Great Things That Happen When You Go Alcohol Free)

25 Benefits I Discovered After Going Alcohol Free Having ramped up my happy hour during the pandemic, it dawned on me that I was f*cking exhausted. All the time. Every. Single. Day. I wanted to blame it all on the stress of living with the coronavirus threat. The changes that it brought to my fiancé… Continue reading Sober Hair Is Actually A Thing! (And 24 Other Great Things That Happen When You Go Alcohol Free)